Rights and conditions

These general conditions apply to all your assignments to Edgar Hennis Advies en Advocatuur BV (hereinafter the Company) and are also stipulated on behalf of the directors, the Company employed and the network partners of the Company.

1. You are entitled to be treated with courtesy and consideration at all times by your lawyer.

2. You are entitled to an attorney capable of handling your legal matter competently and diligently, in accordance with the highest standards of the profession. If you are not satisfied with how your matter is being handled, you have the right to withdraw from the attorney-client relationship at any time.

3. You are entitled to your lawyer’s independent professional judgment and undivided loyalty uncompromised by conflicts of interest.

4. You are entitled to be charged a reasonable fee and to have your lawyer explain at the outset how the fee will be computed and the manner and frequency of billing.

5. You are entitled to have your questions and concerns addressed in a prompt manner and to have your telephone calls returned promptly.

6. You are entitled to be kept informed as to the status of your matter and to request and receive copies of papers. You are entitled to sufficient information to allow you to participate meaningfully in the development of your matter.

7. You are entitled to have your legitimate objectives respected by your attorney, including whether or not to settle your matter.

8. You have a right to privacy in your dealings with your lawyer and to have your secrets and confidences preserved to the extent permitted by law.

9. You are entitled to have your attorney conduct himself or herself ethically in accordance with the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers.

10. All your assignments are considered to have been given to the Company, also in the event that it is the explicit or implicit intent that the assignment be performed by a specific affiliated person. Article 7:404 of the Dutch Civil Code, which provides for the latter, and Article 7:407 subsection 2, which, for the former, creates a joint and several liability where assignments have been given to two or more persons, shall not apply. The term “affiliated person” includes: employees, advisors, partners, Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Spinath & Wakkie B.V. and shareholders of the Company.

11. In the event that the Company engages a non-affiliated person in connection with the performance of a client assignment, the Company shall not be liable to the client for any errors of such person. By giving an assignment to the Company, you authorize the Company to accept on your behalf any limitation of liability requested by such non-affiliated person.

12. In the event that when carrying out your assignment, an event should occur which may lead to liability, such liability shall be limited to the amount or amounts paid out, if any, under the Company’s professional liability insurance in the matter concerned. Such amount(s) shall include the Company’s deductible as stated under this insurance. This event shall also include a failure to act. In the event that, by or in connection with the performance of your assignment or otherwise, damage, for which the Company is liable, is caused to persons or property, such liability shall be limited to the amount or amounts covered by third-party indemnity insurance. Such amount(s) shall include the Company’s deductible as stated under this insurance.

13. Each claim for damages will lapse one year after the start of the day, following the day on which you have become known with the damages and with the Company as liable party.

14. The services rendered by the Company shall be subject to payment within 14 days of the invoice.

15. Dutch law shall govern the relationship between the Company and you. Any disputes between the Company and a client shall be exclusively decided upon the competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

16. These general terms and conditions are available in both the Dutch and English language. In the event of any dispute arising as to the contents or purport of these general terms and conditions, the Dutch language version shall prevail.